August 16, 2021 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

ICF Bengaluru Charter Chapter brings you a conversation to demystify Sexuality and Gender.

As Coaches, we are called upon to work with a diverse set of people and our own biases can often undermine the work we do with clients. Coaches can play a powerful role in D&I. Building on our awareness and creating a common language is an integral part of this role.

Deepak Dhananjaya and Krispijn Plettenberg bring with them a vast body of work in the area of sexuality.

Deepak works on helping clients accept their own sexuality, building support systems that can help them experience inclusion and developing safe behaviors. He works with minority groups, families and individual client settings. He believes in compassionate activism.

Krispijn specializes in creating spaces of trust in which all participants feel free to share their perspectives and support each other in finding solutions. He believes in looking for the common ground, while also appreciating the value of differences. For him, participation also means that everyone can be who they are, from binary to millions of points along the spectrum. It’s about empathy and embracing the meaning of diversity.

Catch them both on our next learning session

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