Become a Member / Friend / Community

The ICF Bengaluru Charter Chapter offers two paid options to join the chapter which have been carefully considered and optimally priced, and one complimentary option.


If you are a global member of good standing with the ICF, then you can join us as a member and take advantage of the plethora of benefits specifically curated for members as outlined below.


If you are not a global member yet but would like to join our local chapter,  you can join us as a Friend (subject to eligibility) and enjoy many benefits as outlined below to support your interest in or pursuit of coaching.


If you are not ready to take up a paid option but want to stay in touch, join our “Community” to receive periodic newsletters, engage in the “Community” WhatsApp group and our weekly Chai Pe Charcha meets.


If you are not ready to take up a paid option but are keen to stay in touch, please sign-up as a “Friend” of the chapter to receive our periodic newsletter, join our “Friends” WhatsApp group and join our weekly Chai Pe Charcha virtual meet.

Annual Fee payable (annual from April to March)


Global membership of good standing

Credentialled/ pursuing credentialling or am currently enrolled in a 60+ hour program Level 1-2 or ACSTH/ACTP ICF accreditation

Special privileges

Management Committee (MC) role

Ambassador role

Voting rights regarding chapter

Display in directory on website

Access to ICF global member benefits (click here)

Recognition and achievement showcase (Coach spotlight)

Excellence Awards

Volunteer with the chapter

(Specific projects)

Celebrating credentials

Virtual / hybrid events​

Virtual Learning events

Chai pe charcha (virtual)

Book Club (virtual)

Reciprocal coaching

Unicon projects (University connect)

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) events

Coaching Communities of Practice (COP)

(paid basis)

Mentor Coaching

Member benefits from other chapters (virtual only)

Social impact projects

International Coaching Week - virtual events

Business Development series (virtual)

Physical events

Hub meets (self-sponsored)

In person all-member chapter meets

International Coaching Week - In-person events

Other resources

Monthly newsletter

Inclusion in designated WhatsApp groups

Access to recordings of previous sessions

Access to “Conversations” magazine

Discounts and other benefits from partnerships (e.g assessments, WBECS, etc)

Industry connect (Connect with organisations)


Annual Fee payable (annual from April to March)

Become a Member

Community Sign-up Form